Lineup Ninja
Annual license: per team, unlimited events
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Total speakers per year: 100
Your best estimate: we won’t charge for overages but will review your usage and needs in future years


Submissions Only
Tick if you don't need Agenda Planning & Publishing: e.g. if you're running awards
Professional support (see below for details)
Strongly recommended for your first year and for new users

Annual Price: £2900

30 minute consultation.
No sales pressure.
Self Service
Documentation / FAQs
An extensive, searchable knowledge base about how to use Lineup Ninja.
Tutorial Videos
How-to videos that help you to get started.
Community (public Slack channel)
Instant messaging, where you can chat with our support team and other clients, ask questions, report problems, make sugestions etc.
Private Slack channel & email support
Your own Slack channel gives you private instant messaging with our support team.
Help desk / issue tracking
Raise support tickets so you can track issues and see status updates.
Configuration 'sanity-check'
We will review your configuration to minimize the chance of mistakes, and to help you get the most out of Lineup Ninja.
Support for Integrations
Working with third-party suppliers can get complex, so integrations are only available with professional support. We will work with other vendors to make sure your data is behaving as expected.
Support for configurable submission & review flows
Configurable work flows are powerful and can get complex, so this feature is only available if you take professional support. We will help you map out your business processes and help you configure your submission and review flows accordingly.
Support for digital signage
Your agenda could potentially be displayed on a wide range of devices, which means digital signage can get complex. Only available with professional support.'
Post-event debrief meetings
We will meet with you to review what worked, what could have been better, and explore how to improve things for your next show.
White Labelling
White labelling includes hosting your call for papers, speaker confirmation and agenda app on a custom domain. Also, automated emails can be sent from an address with a custom domain.
Dedicated Cloud Infrastructure
Allows you to host all your data on a completely segregated platform.
Security Compliance Audit Support
We can respond to security questionnaires and provide other assistance to help you assess our security and privacy measures.
Service Level Agreement
An agreement that sets out a service availability guarantee, with service credits offered where availability drops below agreed levels.
Custom terms & conditions / Bespoke contract
You can propose changes to our standard terms and conditions.'/>
See above
See above
Contact us
Additional Services
Per Day
Flat Fee
Onboarding / event setup
Recommended for your first event and for new users.
Training & consultancy *
Configure and existing integration
Many of our integrations are straighforward and easy to configure yourself. Others can be more complex and need additional support to plan and configure correctly.
Create bespoke integration
Bespoke feature development
30 minute consultation.
No sales pressure.